Marble, Granite, Quartz and more

Stone Worktops

Supplying the very best stone worktops, our range of granite, quartz and marble worktops are of the highest quality, offering absolute durability whilst adding a luxurious touch to any kitchen, bathroom or outdoor area.



Granite worktops are a popular choice for kitchens and bathrooms. They come in a variety of colours and can be specially selected to match the decor of any room. Granite is a natural stone that is quarried from the earth, so each piece has a unique pattern, creating an infinite range of aesthetics and styles.

Granite worktops are incredibly durable and offer excellent resistance to heat Like most other stone worktops, they can withstand hot pots and pans and are easy to clean in the event of a spillage, making them highly suitable for kitchens that are frequently in use.


quartz worktops

Quartz worktops are a hugely popular option for kitchen and bathroom worktops, becoming one of the most popular choices of stone worktops. They are made of crushed quartz and other materials, which are then combined with resin and pigment to create a rock-solid surface, offering incredible durability.

Quartz worktops come in a variety of colours and are very easy to clean and maintain. They are also heat, scratch, and stain-resistant, making them a popular choice for busy homes.


marble worktops

Marble worktops are a luxurious addition to any kitchen, bathroom or outdoor area. Not only do they add a touch of elegance, but they are also very durable and easy to care for. Marble is a natural stone that has been used for centuries in both residential and commercial settings. Although marble worktops are the most decorative of all the stone worktops, they’re just as durable as they are beautiful.

There are several different types of marble, each with its own unique aesthetic. When selecting a marble worktop, it is important to choose one that will complement the overall design of your kitchen. Marble is available in a wide range of colours, so it is easy to find one that will match your existing decor.

Advantages of Stone Worktops



Stone worktops are a very popular choice for kitchen countertops. They are beautiful and durable, and although they don’t require a great deal of maintenance, some maintenance will be necessary and can help to keep your worktop in shape for years on end.

First of all, it’s best to always wipe up any spills as soon as they happen. Depending on the substance spilt, leaving it to fester can cause long-term damage. A damp cloth should be enough to clean up most spills.

Secondly, use a mild detergent and water to clean the worktop every few weeks. Be sure to rinse the worktop thoroughly afterwards to remove all the soap.

Finally, use a sealant on the worktop every few years. This will help to keep the surface in shape and is especially important for stone worktops.

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If you’d like more information on one of our worktops, feel free to contact us and we’ll help you out.

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